Recertification fee is $225.00.

If your expiration date is over 30 days expired, you must include the $50 late fee.

If your expiration date is over a year expired, you cannot recertify and must retake the Individual Online course.


Turning in 30 CE credits/Contact Hours option:

Easy one-step process. Fill out the Recertification Form above, pay the fee, and click submit.


    • Do not press Enter to switch fields! Press Tab or simply click on the next field.
    • If you run out of lines for your CE credits, please fill out another form with your remaining CEs and your name so we know it is yours!
    • Jotform recently became HIPAA compliant and inconsistently sends the emailed receipts. If you did not receive your receipt for payment through the form, send us an email and we will send you a copy!


Re-taking the Course option:

Pick the option above and checkout. We will receive notification once you’ve completed it.

Please make sure to update your Online Profile with your current information.

Recertification by re-taking the course now awards 10 Contact Hours/CE credits!

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